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The design variant  with a flush installation

Brochure Salamander

Windows make up just a small percentage of the construction
costs yet have a major impact on the home:
− Windows which match the style of the building give the
home a face and increase the value of the property.
− Daylight enhances the ambiance in the home and has
a positive effect on physical and mental well-being.
− The energy input of well-insulated windows has the
same effect as a heating system.
− Between 25 and 50 % of heating costs and the
associated CO2 pollution can be reduced thanks to
modern windows.
− Windows ensure optimized control of
the indoor climate.
− The right windows can slash the risk of
burglary by 80 %.
− Noise pollution from the outside can be reduced by up
to 75 % in urban regions with suitable windows.
The site, building and residents are all unique. Therefore, there is no such thing as a perfect
standard window solution to suit all demands. Price as the sole decision-making criterion
does not go far enough. Windows must be configured to the specific requirements in order to
become “myWindows”.

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